Daily Archives: October 14, 2010

Cynthia Thomas / David Kout for Broward Soil & Water Conservation District

Who would I choose for Broward Soil and Water District Seat 2? Truthfully, both candidates have strengths. I happen to like Ms. Thomas because when speaking with her, she was the most up-to-date on the issues at hand. Mr. Kout seemed to me to be an activist ready to help contribute to a cause, but not yet bought into it. While that may sound harsh, I know of where he speaks – and understand that involvement often happens when called to action. From his experiences, it seems like he could be an excellent contributor to the District and help them accomplish the goals of the BSWCD to our county’s betterment.

As I mention in another post – I think Dr. Snipes should appoint the loser to the BSWCD simply due to their interest in being involved, rather than having some political appointee taking the role for political benefit. Sadly, there will only be four members, and not five as should be meeting. Continue reading

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