After the dust, remembering family…

Andrew and the kidsAfter five months of insanity, the past two weeks have been something of a relief. The Democrats won the House and the Senate (thank you Senator Schumer). The Republicans are rediscovering the “power” of a minority. And everyone is back to doing the holiday dance. We see people stepping up for 2008 with exploratory committees and such.

Me? I am spending the next few months enjoying time with my family. As shown in the photo here, my brother, sister-in-law and the kids are coming to New York to enjoy Thanksgiving with me and other family members. Every morning, when I turn on my computer, this photo greets me – and reminds me that, no matter how bad the world can be, or how high you can rise – it is the simple things in life that are the most wonderful. They are incredible people – my brother and his family – real, straight-forward, and simply family. Thank you for being there.

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