OneWebDay: Stories of the Impact of the Web

Doing my part for the Internet ecosystem:

From Susan Crawford with OneWebDay:

OneWebDay is an Earth Day for the internet.  The idea behind OneWebDay is to focus attention on a key internet value (this year, online participation in democracy), focus attention on local internet concerns (connectivity, censorship, individual skills), and create a global constituency that cares about protecting and defending the internet.

The Internet is under enormous pressure in this country, as it is around the world.

Here are some examples:  Access providers want to track what everyone is doing online and use it for their commercial advantage.  They’re developing prioritization technology that will be like a cellphone layer on the internet – able to bill differently for different uses.  They’re working closely with law enforcement and Hollywood in ways that will make internet use unpredictable and heavily-surveilled.  The greatest engine of free speech and democratic outreach the world has ever seen is being co-opted by telephone companies.  This isn’t good for our future.

At the same time, we’re suffering from enormous digital divides.  Lower-income and rural communities don’t have adequate connectivity.  Senior citizens and minorities are often left out.  Skills are inadequate, and there is a lot of fear of the Internet.

OneWebDay is an environmental movement for the Internet ecosystem.  It’s a platform for people to educate and activate others about important issues for the Internet’s future. It’s happening all over the world.

Here in the US, key figures involved include Tim Westergren (Pandora) and Larry Lessig, speaking in NYC; the Future of Music campaign and Rock the Net, in Chicago; the Berkman Center at Harvard; a host of public interest groups in Washington; the City of San Francisco (using OWD to install tech centers in low-income housing using refurbished City computers); Doc Searls, Craig Newmark, David Weinberger, Mary Hodder, Craig Newmark, Jimmy Wales, Joichi Ito, Jerry Michalski, Deb Schultz, and a huge host of volunteers.

See more OneWebDay stories at:

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