Switched over from MT 4.1 to WP 2.6.1

Well – after a number of years of thinking about doing it, I finally completed the task of migrating from MovableType 4.1 to WordPress 2.6.

Truthfully, after researching and working with both platforms over the past two years with clients and personal projects, I have to agree with a number of people that WP has become the default, tweakable blogging/CMS platform. What took me 2.5 days in the last upgrade of my MT installation back in 2006/2007, this was relatively easy, and modifiable. Heck, even when I was worried about the permalink problem, it took a bit of hunting to cobble up my own solution and launch the site. So now, with all of the elements (mostly) fixed, I have redirected the domain to this site – and looking forward to seeing how the site performs.

If you have any suggestions for improvements – or specific plug-ins that would help in engagement. Feel free to add to this post.

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