Category Archives: Campaign 2006

Final Florida Governors Debate

Davis did well for his public speaking skill set. He must have worked on his attack – and kept “Charlie” down with the use of the diminutive over and over again. For some reason, when he spoke, “Charlie” sounded like an insult instead of his name. Linn was sort of the Al Sharpton of this debate – coming up with lines, and I wish he had been better prepared. And Crist – well, not very interesting – very much like the politician he seems. All I can say is I think Davis did well, but I am still fearful of having another Davis as my governor – I hope he is better than Gray. Continue reading

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Finally – Florida Governor’s Debate at Nova

After the debate – there was not much said – and very little that you could see where one slipped up or said anything different. I wish candidates would understand that people want to understand that they mean and spell it out simply. Davis is saddled with being a Congressman – he has a small staff (no more than six staffers, most under 30) and can only do so much. Running for public office across the state of Florida is a lot different than running across a district. Crist has a much larger, more professional staff, so he could campaign and amass a record without having the attendance “hit”. The shame of it all – all I got out of the debates was that Crist is a great public speaker and that Davis is the thoughtful, albeit stiff, Democratic candidate. Jim – please get more media training – and learn to emote more. Continue reading

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Watching the Florida Governor race with a disappointed yawn…

Davis has lagged in all of the metrics most political operatives discuss in terms of fundraising, field offices, television, and public appearances. I could have also given the same measure, simply by noting the Internet effort that occurred soon after the election. Based on this measure, and previous experiences with other Florida campaigns – I worry that the Davis Campaign is in a hole – and, unless a heroic effort is undertaken, we will be discussing Governor Crist. Continue reading

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Smith concedes, Davis wins.

Wow – after a hotly contested race, Davis wins. Continue reading

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Davis/Smith Debate II – He shoots, he…

Only in Florida can a campaign be sidelined by Mother Nature – and campaigns are trains that, by themselves, are forces to be reckoned with. After Ernesto cancelled the debate for Tuesday, the Davis/Smith campaigns have had a field-day regarding whether or not to commit to another debate. Continue reading

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