Tag Archives: Political Integrity

Integrity – Lieberman style…now, I question

As an observant Jew, Senator Lieberman knows that every Jew has a responsibility to act in the manner that G-d wants the world to follow – to model the ideals that are right in this world. The Jewish faith has impacted the world in many ways, and as a leader in the Senate, he has a responsibility to think about the social impact of his decisions. Does he model the best in integrity….or does he model the social mores he is in? Continue reading

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Defining the main theme of 2006?

I wonder – does Joe actually think that the war is good or is it support for the Administration policies? The people that I know, who know him personal, speak of his incredible integrity and the fact that he would not be so duplicitous. His belief in the country and the threats that exist lead me to believe that he is strong on his convictions, even when faced with a vocal group of constituents who disagree with him. Continue reading

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