Looking for a few good Democratic developers…

Hey there – was reading my mail and found a couple of requests for two positions the Obama Campaign is looking to fill. More than likely, you are already aware – but if you are not, check these out. Truthfully, they are perfect for making a difference this election – the campaign can use any and all help they can receive.

Role: Deputy CTO/Chief Data Architect

  • 2+ years in professional technology management
  • Expert understanding of enterprise database architecture including large-scale data integration across multiple systems, API development, automation and matching optimization
  • Familiarity with political data a strong plus including voter files, scoring, and political modeling
  • Deep familiarity with web development including project management, feature development, and specification
  • Willingness and ability to work in fast-paced, multi-project environment
  • An abiding desire to be part of a movement to change American politics.

Role: Software Developers for Web Applications

The Obama campaign earned a reputation for smart use of online technology during the primary, but needs to go to the next level in the general election. To make this happen, we need some smart people to join our team.

The Obama Campaign is looking for creative, smart people who are willing to work long hours to be part of an effort that will not just win an election, but change the way campaigns are run. If you find someone who doesn’t have the requisite years of experience, but believes they can fill the spot, please encourage them to apply anyway.

Send an email to jg@rock-creek-ventures.com and please reference Political Gastronomica.

I would not suggest that money will be good, but the experience is incredible.

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