Tag Archives: Joe Biden

“…for those Joe Six-Packs playing a drinking game, MAVERICK!”

I wonder – did the McCain campaign really think the game (Sarah Palin on the stage having to argue coherently) would not be scrutinized and evaluated by everyone in the MSM and in the blogosphere? And that they would get away with someone like this? Continue reading

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Watching Obama VP race from afar…

While I have been in China this past week, I have been shuttling between hotels and conference rooms – while I see all sorts of people running back and forth to events, dinners, friends and such. I see a country … Continue reading

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Which horse am I supporting? None of the Above…yet.

I will support whomever becomes the presumptive Democratic nominee since I am so tired of a Republican Administration and want to change the direction of our future. So no matter who wins the Democratic nomination, I will more than likely vote Democratic….unless one thing occurs…Mayor Mike Bloomberg gets in the race, Continue reading

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