Tag Archives: linkedin

Afterthoughts on the Rally to Restore Sanity and/orFear

John Stewart and friends put on the largest backyard Variety show on the National Mall today with the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear. A little bit of music, a little bit of variety and, as all good fathers during a family gathering, gave us an ernest sermon that told us to be rational and see the real in the noise the media makes. One bug – he forgot to remind us to vote. Continue reading

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Creating the incentives to accomplish long-term government goals

ith the advent of social games generating revenue and attention during the off-hours of our lives and encroaching on our working hours (tell me you have not been itching to play your Mafia Wars or Farmville on your iPhone today), can we take lessons from the techniques of these entertainments to create new incentives to bring about the change we seek? Continue reading

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Mayor Bloomberg announces NYC friendly to Financial (and tech) Startups

This morning, I got down to New Work City (a coworking space I am a co-founder of) and met with the Mayor of New Work City, Tony Bacigalupo and headed to 160 Varick Street – home of a new incubator … Continue reading

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