Tag Archives: John Kerry

Wow – JK stands his ground and stays above the fray

Well, I am catching up on This Week with George Stephanopoulos and watched as he interviewed JK. And, for a man who has many ways of looking at an issue and trying to be very professorial, he did amazingly well … Continue reading

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Kerry to Endorse Obama. Wow.

I am pleased to see JK back in the game – and offering his help to any candidate. That is one of the things I truly like about JK – he is trying to help and do his best. His support for Obama is his way of contributing to the discourse – and to help get America (and the politically sensitive) engaged. Continue reading

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John Kerry out of the hunt…

The news is out, and it was very evident on his website with a return to a Massachusetts-focus – Senator John Kerry (JK) has announced he is not going to run as a candidate for the 2008 Presidential Primary Election. While there have been numerous articles, posts and commentaries on his campaign and the missteps (both during and afterward), people still have yet to understand the man for what he has done and continues to do for this country. Continue reading

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Making a difference…

Funny thing – this part of the speech started with a telephone call, an email and a chat with Andre Cherny found this paragraph inserted into the Senator’s acceptance speech.

The phone call was from Andrew Rasiej, an ardent Dean supporter who I had met through other connections in my social networks. He and I were talking about Kerry’s pending success – and he made a comment on how to attract the Dean supporters to Kerry. “Dean supporters feel they are going to have access to the Dean Administration, why not give it to them in the Kerry Administration?”
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What a difference a win makes…

So far — dollars keep rolling in — we will hit our million dollar goal within the time frame we set for ourselves — if not sooner. Our front office staff has had to increase by having not one, but … Continue reading

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